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 FreeDMR Secure-Login

An individual password can be assigned to each DMR ID registered with FreeRadioID.
This means that it can only be used by the legitimate user on compatible ADN/FDMR servers.

The misuse of DMR IDs is thus excluded, and the "kickout" of already connected gateways by connecting with the same ID is also prevented.

The misuse of DMR IDs is only prevented on FDMR servers that support secure login.
On all other servers, anyone can continue to use any DMR ID.

Register your DMR ID now

 FreeDMR server upgrade

No new installation is required to convert an existing FreeDMR server to secure login.
The default password set in the config also remains active, so no one who is not yet registered with FreeRadioID will be "locked out".

Tests are performed at your own risk.

Upgrade FreeDMR server now